Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A bad beginning, but a much better end!

Yesterday ( Tuesday ) I was due to be goose counting again, but was laid low by some strange virus (?) and felt absolutely foul until later in the day.  Additional to that I then hurt my back and so, with a foul mood well in place, I spent my time offering advice to the television on flood control from a sedentary position!!!  I'm a very poor patient which, in a way, can then hasten recovery, and so it was, gradually.

However, a much better situation then emerged mid-afternoon with the arrival of Pauline and Gordon Yates. The next couple of hours was filled with gossip, updating and laughter and more than a bit of "bird-talk".  Islay has been their holiday destination for many years, way back to when their, now grown up, family was young and so their knowledge of Islay's wildlife is both unique and valuable. This has been reflected in Gordon's film making and a succession of films associated with Islay have emerged over the years coupled, more recently, with those recording visits to more exotic climes!

Yesterday I was delighted to be given a copy of the DVD illustrated below. It presents absorbing footage from travels in the Pennines, the Cairngorms, South West Scotland and. of course, Islay.


There is film of  six species of owl, of Golden Eagle, Osprey,Goshawk, Buzzard, Hen Harrier, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Merlin, Red Kite and Peregrine.  As Gordon said  " you know some of those individuals" !!  This is a must if you admire and enjoy raptors as the comprehensive treatment of their breeding cycles and the accompanying commentary provide insights that are normally something few of us have access to.

The DVD is for sale generally and details can be found via the following link.  Gordon Yates Photography

I've watched it twice already and can vouch for its ability to entertain and lift your spirits!

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