Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Return of the non-native. 1..2.2012.

A return journey through Argyll in idyllic weather is always worthwhile , and so it was , almost as a reward for an itinerant resident returned. The ferry journey was similarly near perfect. Having said all that there appeared to be little "on display" during the journey, particularly divers.
Nothing of particular significance appears to have been picked up in the last couple of weeks. The number of "white gulls" appears to have reached its highest level shortly after I left but, as elsewhere , I suspect they've begun to very gradually "wash out" southwards or onto the mainland.

It looks as if the weather is due to deteriorate  shortly if the longer forecast is to be believed. Seems likely that we may have got away with the trip being in half reasonable weather as opposed to being disrupted by snow!

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