In recent weeks, if not months, I've been saddened and intrigued by a varying series of statements and emotions expressed within various responses submitted to Blogs, Forums, newspaper articles and such like about how our conservation agencies fail us. Ranging from cynicism to complacency, hostility to delusion, the use of utterly skewed information, or its interpretation, and the usual contributions from the "it's all a waste of time " or "they're all useless" merchants result in it being a test of patience to read their offerings, again! Even so, I always hope that, with all such comments, there's been some effort made to consider the real facts and to come to a considered view. Clearly some fail this particular mission or have, perhaps, missed out the essential step altogether!
Knee jerk reactions, hidden agendas based on festering resentments attached to some past situation or emotional pap are not usually contributions that add anything to the actual debate, even if one can understand the often near illiterate contributions, and determine why they have made a comment.
So why am I so angry as to obviously annoy a certain sector of people due to the above comments.
Essentially it's because they are wasting their time and potentially souring views of people who might otherwise have had a more open mind. Their following will never be great, their supporters (if they exist ) are like minded and, above all else, they will never really occupy a position of influence due to pursuing a personalised agenda that never changes. The sad fact is that they often direct opposition, if not aggression towards , say, government policies that conservation organizations are also trying hard to defeat or amend. There is obviously a real void existing between their unrecognised agreement with such organizations and their utter lack of confidence in them. Conservation organizations are constantly battering their heads against the plethora of unrelenting proposals that unceasingly come forward from Government that are unsupportable of conservation as we understand it, mainly due to self interest or commercial potential.
It seems to me that we are at a turning point in the UK, particularly England, at present wherein we could return to a series of dictatorial policies associated with farming, upland management, and general countryside management because , essentially, the way ahead is being determined through self interest of a minority, as opposed to the expressed wishes of the majority. So, instead of sounding off against the presumed inadequacies of conservation organizations, join their efforts to try and minimise, if not neutralise, the effects of such ill thought through policies as far as the national interest is concerned. Being on the by-lines and sniping at all and sundry because of frustration is NOT going to secure anything I'm afraid. The "uprising" against the recent Buzzard control proposals proves public opinion can work successfully if we all work together. Let's continue that work together and indicate what we truly believe should comprise the wildlife heritage of the UK, not some convenient interpreted version that generates a nice living for some!
When it comes to birds, the RSPB is all we've really got in terms of a charitable organization repeatedly pursuing the interests of our avian community! OK, you may not be a member ( you should be! ) but at least lend weight to the various efforts it makes on behalf of birds. I don't always agree with it, and will openly criticise its efforts, but I hope properly. In that sense they need your views, not barely disguised criticisms from afar! At the end of this month, or in early July as I understand the situation, the results of the review requested by Government undertaken by the Law Commission on wildlife legislation will become public. Whilst I may have the actual timing wrong, the results of the exercise are certainly imminent, it doesn't really matter in some sense. This is a situation where we need the most cynical to also play a part. Numbers matter. Don't criticise the fact that the opposition might fail, lend weight! No grumbles or accusations from the rear, stand up and contribute to the future, otherwise remain part of the constituency of those who have neither the "cohones" or the common sense to do otherwise. Birds and conservation need everyone in the current "atmosphere", not to be a part of everything is to have opted out and represent failure and weakness.
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