Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bulletin, it what you will!

A busy few days with a whole variety of things happening. Discussions on Grey lag Geese, Golden eagle monitoring, Black Guillemots, and even a couple of days of unfettered birding  all conspired to eat up the time. And now, with new proposals coming out from DEFRA about Buzzards, yet another subject has become a headline as much as Hen Harrier persecution. Back to the writing desk it would seem!

Amongst all this too, news that Great White Egret has bred in England for the first time at Shapwick Heath National Nature Reserve. I'm a bit confused by the reportage though! Reference that  news emerged a month ago that they might be nesting is a bit strange given they were obviously displaying as far back as 10th March when Matthew and I visited the site.  Perhaps they changed location a wee bit or held off settling down?  It's also the excuse to plan a further visit to the site sometime, which is superb.Whatever, it's certainly good news and yet another Continental  "white bird" to join the breeding list. Given they can be quite site loyal this might also be the "bridgehead" from which they expand into other areas, particularly as the number of birds around in recent years has also grown.

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