Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Birding on Borrowed Time! 24.1.2013.

No, not the book that Phoebe Snetsinger wrote about her birding exploits, but the fact that the three score years and ten have run out!! I suppose the day should have been dominated by concerns over "Sell By Date" banner headlines and Actuarial Statistics but , instead , we concentrated on trying to see Waxwings throughout most of the morning. We didn't and must , therefore, be the potential recipients of some award to birders that recognizes failure!  Sheffield, nowadays, seems to be the "Winter UK Capital" in many respects for Waxwings. Where were they for heaven's sake?

Next we did the full-on urban birding bit with heavy traffic moving immediately behind us whilst we scanned through endless gulls resting out on a warehouse roof.  Eventually we located our quarry, a fine adult Caspian Gull and discovered later that an immature too was present in the same area. I discovered later that we were also on the edge of Sheffield's Red Light District!!  Not a spot to be recognized on one's birthday I suggest, but the extremely low temperatures and snow underfoot did a thorough job and ensured any errant thoughts were  put to bed   dismissed !

The remaining part of the day was "birthday boy" orientated with a viewing of  "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy", and absolutely excellent film, ( make sure you see it )  and dinner out in the evening.

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